Orthodontic Devices

Orthodontic Devices
Orthodontic appliances refer to various devices used for straightening teeth, correcting misalignments, and aligning the oral structure. These appliances are designed in different ways depending on the individual’s dental and jaw issues.
Here are some common types of orthodontic appliances:
Palatal Expanders (Rapid Maxillary Expander – RME): Palatal expanders are devices that assist in widening the upper jaw. They are often used to correct orthodontic problems caused by a narrow upper jaw. The appliance is placed on the palate and periodically adjusted to achieve expansion of the upper jaw.
Headgear: Headgear is used to control lower jaw development or prevent backward movement of the upper jaw. It is typically used in conjunction with fixed braces and is attached to an appliance outside the head.
Retainers: Retainers are used to maintain the results achieved after treatment. They can be worn overnight or during the day and night to preserve the desired positions of the teeth.
Removable Orthodontic Appliances: Removable appliances are removable devices used to assist in moving teeth. Examples include Hawley appliances or bionators. These appliances are often used in children and teenagers.
Activators: Activators are used to influence the development of the upper and lower jaws to promote forward movement of the lower jaw. They are typically used in children and can be effective during growth periods.
Brackets: Fixed brackets, such as metal brackets or ceramic brackets, are small metal or ceramic pieces bonded to the teeth with wires to straighten them.
Floss Threaders: Floss threaders are used to promote proper flossing technique and ensure adequate cleaning between teeth.
Tongue Cribs: Tongue cribs are used to correct thumb sucking or tongue habits. These appliances are placed on the inside surfaces of the upper teeth.
Orthodontic appliances are personalized according to the needs and treatment requirements of each individual. Regular check-ups with the dentist may be necessary during the treatment process, and the use and adjustment of appliances should be monitored by a specialist dentist or orthodontist. Appliances can be an effective tool for correcting teeth and jaw alignment, leading to improved oral health and appearance in the long term.
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